italo muniz


My name is Ítalo and

I’m a graphic designer

I just like to design stuff, as simple as that.

Whether it’s a logo, an animation, a 3D piece, an UI Kit, you name it.

I’ve been in this field since 2013, but I still consider

myself a beginner. There’s always something new to learn.

Most of the work that you see here has started with pen and

paper and I still think that’s the most powerful tool for creating

(even though Figma has been engraving its place in my heart).

I like to have a clear process when developing projects.

To sharpen that, I’ve worked with advertising agencies and design studios, helping their clients improve their products.

In my free time, I like to watch and play sports, learn some

new skills and have a beer with my friends.

I’m not a gamer, but THPS2 is my favorite game of all time

alongside with its soundtrack. Also, I have a degree

in Architecture and I think I haven’t traveled enough.

Work Experience

2021 – Present


2020 – 2021

Serious Business


Make Id

2018 – 2019

Portal Publicidade


Like Presentations


Sowee Agency


Like Presentations

2013 – Present



reach me at