italo muniz


I like to think about my process as something organic, something that evolves and changes according to the needs of every project.

There is never really only one clear structured process, but rather a method of understanding, researching and brainstorming.

Something that I always try to figure out from the very beginning is what sort of problem I need to solve graphically and understand which direction to aim for. Most of the time, I start with some research to grasp the subject, followed by a bunch of sketches to explore visually appealing ideas, to later on, refine them and make some final adjustments.

You'll find below some of my sketches, illustrating how things happen behind the scenes to reach the end result.

When I say a bunch of sketches, I mean a bunch.

The final version of the icon can be seen above.

Sometimes the sketches for the illustrations are almost like the final product, but sometimes the sketch is just an idea in the middle of other drawings, later developed digitally like the one below.